We are still discovering and exploring the ways in which to fulfil our purpose in a post-covid world.
We see this exploration, discovery and emergence as part of a collaborative journey together – with all of the beautiful hearts connected to EnergyWorks™ – to consciously co-create anew, to thrive, to shine our light brighter than ever.
I invite you to join me in this co-creative process by taking part in an online group healing session. These group sessions create more accessibility to my practice.
What is Reiki healing with Cindy?
A group healing session creating very powerful energies that allow you to align yourself on your true path and activate self realisation. The energy and Cindy’s direct spot-on guidance opens sacred thresholds in consciousness, quantum leaping all participants through their awakening, self embodiment and heart’s rightful path. Spirit brings together each group so there are common themes and messages between the participants. So you’re also receiving messages and guidance from everyone’s messages in the session.
What to expect:
*10-15mins healing session
*Intuitive messages to randomly selecting attendees
Cindy will share as many one-on-one messages as time permits.
Please note Cindy can’t guarantee a personal message every week to regular attendees.
Join Cindy on every other Thursday 11am-12pm UK time.
The exchange of energy for this group session is £20 per person.
The session starts at 11am sharp and will last 60mins; please log in 5-10mins before. You will receive a Zoom link and details about the session the day before the event.