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Dare to Shine and Take Your Place in the World | 5 Blockages to Overcome

Writer's picture: Cindy TheodoreCindy Theodore

Dare to shine and take your place in the world
Dare to shine and take your place in the world

Taking your place in the world, embodying your place here on Earth and your family, is a completely current theme. Simply assuming your place generates a lot of fears. In this article, I will tell you about 5 major blockages that truly prevent us from daring to shine

Blockage #1: When we don’t feel like we belong

Feeling like we belong means taking our place in our body. We’re not talking about having the job we want, having the abundance we dream of, having the prosperity we so desire, but about truly feeling good in our body. Understanding that when I settle inside myself, in my body, I feel at home.

I know that I am in my place as I am. And there, I feel love circulating, a space in which I can relax, where I can settle down and where I can even vibrate within myself. I feel joy and everything becomes possible. Let’s ask ourselves the right questions: are we fully living this relationship with our body? Are we close to our body? Listening to it? Do we feel connected, connected to it?

Our physical body is a land for our soul, in which it will be able to unfold, to take root. It is thanks to these roots that our soul rises, that our soul grows. No tree, no flower can develop without roots, nor radiate. It is the same for us: without roots, we are unhappy in our body, we do not like our home, our temple and we cannot unfold.

So let's start by integrating that we are in our place and connected to our body. From there, we are truly armed to unfold. This also requires us to work on a lot of memories, wounds, emotional shocks, injunctions and beliefs instilled around the body.

Blockage #2: when we are not safe and full of life

We must bring security into our body in order to relax, to be able to give and receive. Every day, I am animated by life and I receive from it. I am fueled by life, so I can give. The more I am in touch with my body, the more I am in touch with my heart. Likewise, the more I root myself, the more I can rise and rise higher in vibration. Life helps me develop the roots of my body and the roots of my heart.

We are one and we must stop the dualities, the separations of body and heart, body and spirit, humanity from our divinity, the spiritual from the non-spiritual. We must take our place and feel full of life and whole. Let us reconnect with the unity that is in us. Everything is life inside us, we unite with life and everything unifies around life.

I am the life that has taken form and all forms are forms of life: I no longer separate pieces of myself, but I fully reintegrate them. I accept myself entirely, even my darkest sides, those I am ashamed of, those I am afraid of, those I deny. And I look at myself in the face, where I am, with awareness, with love.

Gradually, I feel more and more myself, aligned with my heart, with my aspirations, with what I feel in my body, in my bodies, and this, emotionally, bodily, carnally, intimately. And this whole thing makes me allow myself to take my place.

Blockage #3: when we do not allow ourselves to take our place

If we do not allow ourselves to take our place, then let's examine what is blocking us inside. Here false beliefs or fears can manifest, or even both at the same time.

Beliefs are forms of thoughts that tell stories inside us and that feed our emotional part. These are also wounds that are so crystallised that they have formed masks of little characters that prevent us from taking our place out of fear. We are afraid of being seen, afraid of shining, afraid of feeling superior, afraid of being vulnerable.

Does being in the light or becoming visible mean putting ourselves in danger? This probably comes from a fact relating to a memory older than us and that we continue to carry. Let's take as an example the witch hunt belonging to the history of our lineage.

It would be interesting for you to sit down with this and simply imagine yourself in the light with other people. Allow yourself to appear, to take your place, to embody the woman you want to be. Then, feel what happens in your body when you visualize this situation. Note all the fears, all the beliefs and judgments that come up.

Then, you will obtain a map of all your false illusions, which will reveal certain wounds, certain masks that you continue to feed to protect yourself. And it may also be that in these masks, you have the one who wants to continue to be in the shadows, to hide, to minimise himself for fear of abandonment and rejection by his group, his family.

Blockage #4: When we don’t feel authentic

Sometimes, we feel a sense of enormous stress caused by this desire to belong that we carry inside us. We have a terrible need to belong to this great family of light. However, if we do not find this belonging in our own family, we will want to experience it with others, friends, colleagues or in a romantic relationship.

It even happens that we want to stay hidden, not to show ourselves fully authentic in order to continue to be loved as others want to love us. It is a strange feeling, often present since childhood. Systematically, we have adapted to others, even overadapted without realising it. It is so easy for us to take it upon ourselves, but at what price?

How much does it cost in energy? How much does it cost on a daily basis to restrain ourselves, to repress ourselves? What are the unconscious advantages of continuing to overadapt? Do we feel truly fulfilled not to feed our beliefs, not to feed our wounds, but from us to us in our truth?

Then comes the last big blockage that prevents us from taking our place: the one that consists of feeling cut off from ourselves. I think of being cut off from our heart, from our soul, from this presence, from this flame inside us.

Blockage #5: When we are cut off from our soul

Being cut off from our soul forces us to prove certain things to ourselves in order to find ourselves. Sometimes, we look outside for what is inside us. The soul is within us, it represents our individuality of consciousness. Only you can believe it, but believing is not necessarily feeling it. So, I speak of feeling, because even believing in your soul will not have the same effect as if you feel connected, traversed in communion with it in all your bodies.

When your soul vibrates in your body, it becomes a truth, your principle of life, a flame. This flame will enlighten you, guide you, aspire to you and inspire you. In addition, it will give you great freedom and many responsibilities. Now, what do you do with all this inspiration, all these ideas? Are you ready to take back your creative power and your responsibilities over life?

Indeed, we must not neglect the small advantages of letting ourselves live, of letting ourselves be carried away by accusing someone responsible outside, knowing that the culprit is never outside. No, it is within us. But, we have this creative force and all the capacities to bounce back inside us.

However, since childhood, we have been persuaded that we do not have the capacity to think for ourselves, that we do not have the capacity to find solutions by ourselves. So, we are led to give our power to the outside, to a knowledgeable person who knows a priori better than us. This is the form that today's school takes and humanity embodies the school.

Then, finally, when we are in our place…

But no one knows better than us that when we reintegrate this, we find a real force of action, of manifestation and a real power connected to our heart.

When you are connected to what drives you, you are and you feel in your place at every moment. You are in your place in your heart, in this body and on this earth, you feel aligned. So, you stop asking yourself questions about your life mission: you are, you vibrate, you love, you play, you enjoy, you truly live.

That's all I wish for you: be aligned with your aspirations, with your heart in your body and love your existence, no matter the hazards, the constraints. You feel you, you are you and therefore in your place.

I wish us the best,


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