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Reiki in Schools – Portugal is innovative

This article has been written by the Reiki Association for Children & Young People in Portugal

The Tao of Reiki, Discover, Develop and Grow with Reiki BY JOÃO MAGALHÃES on OCTOBER 24, 2018


Portugal is a very innovative country, also in the field of Reiki and even more in Reiki in schools. Since the founding of the Portuguese Reiki Association in 2008 several projects have been emerging and since the emergence of the Reiki Association for Children and Young People there has been even more evident growth in the placement of Reiki in Schools and Reiki for Children . Let us understand how this partnership comes about and how the exemplary practice of Reiki in Portugal reaches the youngest.

Learning Reiki in Schools is possible and Portugal is ahead in real and official projects

The big question that always arises is “Why Reiki in Schools? What’s the point? Is it fashionable? ” This type of question is very frequent for those who are not in a school, but for some schools it is not even formulated. Schools are looking for ways to help and empower their students, but in what and for what?

Many children ask for more break time to rest and socialize, more sports or outdoors classes to exercise, but as far as their personal issues are concerned, children and young people today have felt situations of bullying, lack of unity, conviviality and an enormous inability to manage in family situations, in friendships and in school relations. All this leads to the inability of emotional management.

With so many stimuli around them, school and social demands, often being removed from reality and only in contact with “reality” according to social networks, children and young people often feel lost.

When a school seeks the Reiki method for its children, it seeks a complement to all the great effort that educators, teachers, counselors, and psychologists do. But how can Reiki respond to this need?

The Reiki response to help children be happy

The work that is done in a complementary way in a school encompasses three integrative areas:

  • Meditation;

  • Values ​​and Expression;

  • Therapy

These three areas or three vectors of action contemplate the relaxation of the child, that is, the promotion of a more harmonious and balanced state, which helps them to increase concentration for studies, as well as to develop emotional management capacity, controlling, understanding your thoughts and your emotions better, not letting you keep in mind illusions, but learning to focus on what is important for your school and human development.

In values ​​and expression, the child approaches the philosophy of life of our practice and with these principles – For today, I am calm; I trust; I’m grateful; work honestly; I am kind – she learns to observe her choices and way of being in life. We can say that these are universal values ​​and there is no correlation with a religion or spiritual movement, Reiki does not have any kind of connection to beliefs. Through these reflections, the child shares and expresses himself through various activities that expose his creativity and joy.

Finally, in therapy, if this is the school’s option, children who are signalled may receive Reiki therapy to assist them in managing stress, emotional, mental and physical balance, not replacing the professional accompaniment of the psychologist or paediatricians.

In the field of therapy, there is also the possibility of being given sessions to school officials as well as parents. That is, educators can benefit from the practices that are offered to children.

According to Sílvia Oliveira, president of ARCJ:

Happy teachers make happy children, happy parents make happy children and happy children build a better world. Reiki is just one of many helpers to bring harmony among all but with the advantage of being a very complete and simple understanding method. It’s something so simple that it seems natural for kids.

When we focus on the best, empowering, improving one’s abilities, promoting calm, confidence, gratitude, honesty and goodness, we find one of the many reasons why Reiki in Schools is a success.

This work also depends on the effort of each Reiki practitioner, their dedication in listening to each child as a unique being, as well as the needs and indications that the teachers present.

Reiki in Schools in Portugal is something truly innovative, not because it is fashionable, but because it is effective, simple, integrative, comprehensive and adaptable to the particular need of each school and group of students.

Letting children know how to manage their emotions, finding inner calmness and capacity for expression is a great achievement that could have very positive implications for our future society.

The Reiki Book for Children, the Super Reikinho, has been a great aid to understanding what children feel and how to help them deal with Reiki. In a very simple and imaginative way, the book works the self-discovery through a little friend who is the Super Reikinho who helps the child in an inner journey, to understand their questions.

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